KLINGER®top-chem 2003 gasket Jakarta
PTFE Gasket
KLINGER top-chem 2003 Gasket (ORIGINAL)
Main Characteristics & Applications:
KLINGER® Chemical-2003 has great compressibility and is ideal for maintaining tight seals even at low surface loads and temperatures. KLINGER®top-Chem 2003 has excellent chemical resistance in strong and basic acid applications and excellent mechanical properties at moderate temperatures and loads. Special mention must be given to high gas tightness in even low surface loads. The 2003 Top-Chemistry Klinger fulfilled the TA-Luft requirements. KLINGER®top-Chemical is also known as topchem or top chemistry.
Material: PTFE-Basic
Dimensions of a Standard Sheet:
Size: 1500 x 1500 mm Thickness: 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm Tolerance: thickness ± 10%, length ± 50 mm, width ± 50mm thickness and other sizes on request.
Function & Durability:
The performance and service life of the Klinger gasket depends on the large size of the correct and fitting storage, a factor beyond the control of this manufacture. We can, however, guarantee the excellent quality of our products. With this in mind, please also observe our installation instructions.
Graphite Gasket